Dear Customers,

Unfortunately, Microsoft is going to increase the prices of its products. This means that our service charges will increase as well.

Microsoft is applying this price increase across the entire hosting market and not only for Pakchamp and our customers. The new prices are effective December 31, 2021. This means that the new price will be charged whenever your Windows Server subscription renews after December 30, 2021.

The new prices will be effective from Dec 31, 2021 (00:00 PST). For revised & updated prices of Windows Servers Licenses or Extra  Windows RDP Client Access Licenses, you can always visit our website
The increased rate will affect all resellers and customers around the world. The scope includes new registrations, renewals, and transfers.



All new prices will affect all existing or new customers of Pakchamp. from 31st December 2021

شنبه, November 13, 2021

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